Fight the Corona pandemic - a reflection in Art

Dear artists in Germany and Qatar, 

You are invited to participate in the “Fight the Corona pandemic - a reflection in Art Prize of the Arabic Divan”. As the German poet Hermann Hesse once said, “a magic dwells in each beginning”. The global pandemic Covid-19 clearly stands for an end to many things we were used to and will have a sustainable impact on our way of living. But we should always remember that even in times of crisis, there is always hope for a new beginning and creation of a better world. In these unprecedented times of Covid-19, culture and art remain the ultimate tools for critical analysis and reflection in our society. Now more than ever it is time for contemplation and, even more important, affirmative action for a better future. The prize offers a chance to build bridges of communication and dialog together with the art world. 


The jury will select three art works / contributions (all mediums accepted) and the winners will be awarded: 

First place: 1000 EUR 

Second place: 750 EUR 

Third place: 500 EUR 

An exhibition at the Arabic Cultural House will show the winners of the prize as well as the best 20 contributions (short-list), picked by the jury. 


- ALL MEDIUMS ACCEPTED: Participants should make an artistic contribution, whereby they are free in the creative design, about material and medium.

- A digital contribution or a digital image of the contribution in just one image or a sound or video contribution in just one file via to the email address, alternatively saved on a USB stick by post to: Der Divan, Schützallee 27-29, 14169 Berlin, Germany, 

- The contribution must not be older than 01/01/2020, 

- The image or the digital contribution (in the formats * .jpg, * .bmp or * .png) should have a resolution of 1,800 pixels in width and 1,200 pixels in height;

the size itself is not limited but should not exceed a file size of 7 MB; in the case of compression, the file ratio should be 3:2.

- The corresponding file should be saved under the first and last name of the participant and the title of the contribution, 

- A biography and a description of the contribution (specifying the material used and the dimensions of the contribution) (maximum 1,000 words) with a photo of the artist in a separate file,

- (Optional) a video file for publication by the organizer on social media; The video must show the production process of the contribution and possibly the person of the participant and must not exceed three minutes in length.

Submission Deadline

The closing date for entries is October 15, 2020, midnight.

Goals and objectives

We believe that artistic work introduces diverse and often new perspectives on questions relating to both the future and the past. We announce an open call for all artists between the age of 18-30 years old, who are citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany or the State of Qatar and work individually or collectively. 

- To support the local artistic community in Germany and Qatar,

- To provide a platform for artistic statements relevant to the current global situation and to convey those statements to a wider audience,

- To call for unity and solidarity within the artistic community and to create and support new forms of representation of culture.


By participating in the contest, the contestant agrees on the terms and conditions of the “Fight the Corona pandemic - a reflection in Art Prize of the Arabic Divan”.