EUROPA – Reductive Non Objective Private Gallery

19.–22.07.2017, BRUCH & DALLAS, Ebertplatz, Köln

BRUCH & DALLAS is hosting a special event entitled EUROPA in July 2017. The initiator of this exhibition is artist and curator Dr. Billy Gruner, who lives and works in the Blue Mountains in Australia for MAP Projects and RNPG. He is the founder of several Australian contemporary art spaces dedicated to reductive art.

In 2017 RNPG is travelling Europe presenting shows focusing on artists who use the social media page Reductive Non Objective Private Gallery. The artist and curator Billy Gruner has friendship and a working relationship with the Konsortium artists dating back to 2003.

RNPG stands for Reductive Non Objective Private Gallery. It is a unique social media site where quality reductive art makers present works and connect with each other. As a result this year RNPG is doing a range of shows looking at circles of activity, and styles of production across Europe.
Billy Gruner is the founder of SNO and of MAP, or Modern Art Projects in Sydney. The style of shows he prefers are simple. Member artists are invited to supply a work and hold an opening together. Some more local makers come attend while others follow on social media. An opening is held, talks are given. Importantly, the area of expertise of the curator has been in the resurgence of reductive art after the 20th century and he, like other artists within a broad coterie of producers have participated in developing what he describes as the arrival of a new genre. As such, Gruner is connected to many developmental spaces. The artist defines this under the a rubic, Post Formalism. At the Cologne group show Gruner will talk about the stupendous rise of the reductive art genre after the 20th century, and why that shift has a special importance for German art making in particular, Concrete Art and the like.
At the openings artists can also speak, and have special ideas outlined. The RNPG EUROPA show will include an array of art makers whose works are photographed and placed on social media. RNPG is designed to be modern, highly fluid and relaxed.
RNPG IS currently presenting shows in Holland, Germany, and Australia in association with IS-Projects, MAP, A9e and the newly established KNO in Kiev.

Justin Andrews AUS
Lars Breuer DE
Iemke van Dijk NL
Georgi Dimitrov BG
Sebastian Freytag DE
Billy Gruner AUS
Kyle Jenkins AUS
Sarah Keighery AU
Oleksiy Koval DE
Jan van der Ploeg NL
Ivo Ringe DE
Suzan Shutan USA
Peter Wackernagel DE
Werner Windisch DE
Guido Winkler NL

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